GoodGovernanceURJC símbolo negro



Manuel Villoria Mendieta +34 639 386 505

Full Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Department of Public Law and Political Science. Director of the Master’s Degree in Senior Public Management at the Menéndez Pelayo International University. Founding partner of Transparency International Spain and member of its executive committee. Member of the academic committee of the Latin American Centre of Administration for Development and president of the Ethics Commission of the National Olympic Committee. Founder and director of the Good Governance Observatory of the URJC.


Lecturer on the double degree in Political Science and Public Management and Law, on the double degree in Political Science and Public Management, on the double degree in History and Political Science and Public Management, on the double degree in Political Science and Public Management and Equality and Gender and on the double degree in Political Science and Public Management and Economics. Degree in Law (UCM) and Degree in Philology (UB). Master in Public Affairs (Indiana University). PhD in Political Science and Sociology (UCM). Specialised in public administration, good practices, public employment, transparency, ethics, European and Latin American political science issues. Until 2015 he was director of the Department of Government and Public Administration at the Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute. Technical advisor to the Ministry of the Interior. Senior Official of the Civil Government of Barcelona, head of the personnel service and deputy director general of the Directorate-General for Traffic (1986 – 1990). Member of the Governing Council of the State Agency for Evaluation and Quality (AEVAL). Member of the Ethics Committee of Bilbao City Council, the Spanish Olympic Committee and the General Union of Workers. He participates as a researcher in the E-Democracy Research Programme of the Community of Madrid and in the Inter-University Programme on the culture of legality. He has participated in projects such as “The institutional framework for the fight against corruption in Spain: is the repression of corruption in Spain effective?”, “The control of the integrity of public representatives in Spain: political corruption associated with urban development activity”; among other projects assigned to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, AECID, Síndic de Greuges of Catalunya, Comunidad de Madrid, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, among others; he has also participated in international projects assigned to the European Commission.


Villoria, M., Alonso, Á.I. (2017). Developments in transparency in the spanish municipalities: An analytical revision of the last research. 15 (3). Pp. 411 – 430. Villoria, M. (2016). La corrupción en España y en el mundo: estudio comparativo. Temas para el debate. 264. pp. 19 – 22. Villoria, M. (2014). La transparencia como política pública en España: algunas reflexiones. Revista en Cultura de la legalidad. 241. Pp. 38 -. 40. Villoria, M. (1996). La modernización de la Administración como instrumento al servicio de la democracia. Madrid. Boletín Oficial del Estado-Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública. Del Pino, E. y Villoria, M. (1997). Manual de gestión de recursos humanos en las Administraciones públicas. Madrid. 1ª Edición. Tecnos. Villoria, M. (2000). Manual de gestión de recursos humanos en las Administraciones públicas. Madrid. 2ª edición. Tecnos. Villoria, M.  (2000). Ética pública y corrupción: curso de ética administrativa. Madrid. Tecnos. Villoria, M. (2002). Ética pública y corrupción: curso de ética administrativa. Madrid. 2ª edición. Tecnos. 2002. Delgado, L., Iglesias, A., y Villoria, M. (2005). Participación ciudadana en grandes ciudades. Madrid. Dykinson. Villoria, M. (2006). La corrupción política. Madrid. Síntesis. Villoria, M. (2007). El servicio civil de carrera en Iberoamérica: diagnóstico, causas y proyecciones. Del pino, E. y Villoria, M. (2009). Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos en las Administraciones Públicas. Madrid. Tecnos. Ruiz-Huerta, J. y Villoria, M. (2010) Gobernanza democrática y fiscalidad. Tecnos. Villoria, M. (2012). El marco de integridad institucional en España. Situación actual y recomendaciones. Valencia. Tirant lo Blanch. Villoria, M. (2013). La transformación del Estado para el desarrollo en Iberoamérica. Aportes para la discusión. Caracas. Villoria, M. (2014). LA publicidad activa en la Ley de Transparencia, acceso a la información y buen gobierno. Generalitat de Catalunya. Revuelta, A. y Villoria, M. (2014). Una evaluación institucional del Lobby en España: Análisis y propuestas. Transparencia Internacional. Izquierdo, A. y Villoria, M. (2016). Ética pública y buen gobierno. Regenerando la democracia y luchando contra la corrupción desde el servicio público. Tecnos – INAP. Villoria, M. (2017). Buen Gobierno, transparencia e integridad institucional en el gobierno local. Madrid. Tecnos. Iglesias, A.  y Villoria, M. (2010). Local Political Leadership in Urban Governance and Public Administration Modernisation: The Role of the Mayor and Councillors in a Spanish Municipality (1979-2007). LEX LOCALIS – JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT. 8(2). Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 185 – 201. Iglesias, A.  y Villoria, M. (2013). Leadership in the Public Sector: Some Methodological and Ethical questions”. INNOVAR. 21(42). Villoria, M. (2011). Empleo público e integridad”. Revista Vasca de Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones Públicas. 1. Pp. 53 – 70. Villoria, M. (2010). La infraestructura burocrática importa: el caso de la lucha contra el crimen organizado en México”. Reforma y Democracia. 48. pp. 51-89. Jiménez, F. y Villoria, M. (2012). Metodoló – gicos de la medición de corrupción (2004 – 2010). Revista de Estudios Políticos. 156. Pp. 13 – 47. Jiménez, F. y Villoria, M. (2012). La corrupción en España (2004 – 2010): datos, percepción y efectos. Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas. 138. Pp. 109-134. Villoria, M. (2010). Algunos comentarios sobre el anteproyecto de la futura ley de transparencia y acceso de los ciudadanos a la información pública. Derecom. 4. Pp. 1-3. Romero, J., Jiménez, F. y Villoria, M. (2010). (Un)sustainable territories. Causes of the speculative bubble in Spain (1996−2010) and its territorial, environmental and sociopolitical consequences Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 30(3). Pp. 467 – 486. Villoria, M. El empleo público en tiempos de incertidumbre: ¿Continuidad o reforma? Revista Aragonesa de Administración Pública.  ISSN 1133-4797: 29-52 Villoria, M. (2011). Gobernabilidad y fortalecimiento institucional en América Latina. Más Poder Local. 7. Pp. 4 – 8. Villoria, M. (2011). Voz “Integridad”. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad. 1. Pp. 107-114. Villoria, M. (2011). Ética en el sector público: una reflexión desde la ética aplicada. Encuentros Multidisciplinares.  39(13). pp. 19-29. Arribas, E. y Villoria, M. (2012). Marcos de integridad, calidad institucional y medios de comunicación en España. Nueva época. 8. Nueva Época. Pp. 1-18. Ramírez, Á. y Villoria, M. (2013). Development Stages of Electronic Government Models: An Analysis from Political Theory. Revista Gestión y Política Pública. 22 (2). Pp. 69 – 102. Moreno, A. y Villoria, M. (2012). La formación en ética en la Administración Pública: un análisis comparado. Nuevas Políticas Públicas. 7. Pp.  93-112. Villoria, M. (2013). La corrupción política. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad. 5. Pp. 159-167. Lizcano, J. y Villoria, M. (2013). Corrupción y transparencia: aspectos contextuales, metodológicos y empíricos. Revista de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa. 14. Pp. 13-48. García, M., Jiménez, F. y Villoria M. (2014). Can’t control/won’t control: opportunities and deterrents for local urban corruption in Lanzarote. Crime, Law and Social Change. 62(4) . Villoria, M. Desarrollo, buen Gobierno y transparencia: revisión conceptual.        Tiempo de paz. Número especial sobre Transparencia y buen gobierno.  114. Pp.  4-10. Villoria, M. (2015). Ética en las administraciones públicas: de los principios al marco institucional. Revista Vasca de Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones Públicas. 9. Pp. 8-17. Villoria, M. (2015).  “La corrupción en España: rasgos y causas esenciales” Cahiers de civilisation espagnole contemporaine. En Villoria, M. (2016). La sociedad española frente a la corrupción: nuevos tiempos, viejas esperanzas. Claves de Razón Práctica. 246. Villoria, M. (2016). Los grupos de interés y la corrupción. Papeles de Relaciones Eco-sociales y cambio global. 135. Pp. 53-64. Villoria, M. (2010).  El papel de la Administración pública en la generación de calidad democrática.   Reforma y Democracia. 65. Pp: 5-39. Iglesias, A. y Villoria, M. (2017). Developments in transparency in the Spanish municipalities: an analytical revision of the last research”. Journal of Local Self-Government. 153). Pp. 411-432.\r\n


Rut Bermejo Casado +34 91 488 78 93

Professor of Political Science at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Director of the Master’s Degree in Forensic Profiles of Dangerousness at the URJC. Member of the Advisory Board of the Chair of Refugees and Forced Migrants at UPCO. Member of the Observatory of Equality of the URJC and Academic Secretary of the Observatory of Good Governance of the URJC. Advisor to the Scientific Council of the Elcano Royal Institute knowledge area of Defence, Security and Terrorism.


Lecturer on the Double Degree in Political Science and Public Management and Law, on the Degree in Political Science and Public Management, on the Double Degree in History and Political Science and Public Management and on the Degree in International Relations at the URJC. She also currently teaches on the Master’s Degree in Security, Crisis and Emergency Management (URJC-IUOG) and on the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management of Public Security.Graduate in Law (UCM) and Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Sociology (UNED). Master in Politics (University of Warwick) and Diploma in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas). PhD (European Doctorate mention) from the URJC in 2007. Specialised in matters related to the European Area of Justice and Home Affairs. She is a member of the working group on global terrorism of the Real Instituto Elcano, currently collaborates with CITCO in the implementation of the National Strategic Plan to Combat Violent Radicalisation and has participated in plenary sessions and research meetings of RAN (Radicalistaion Awareness Network). She has participated and participates in different national projects funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, as well as in international projects. Currently, she is actively involved in the PRACTICIES and COUNTERADHUB projects. She has been a visiting researcher at the University of Nottingham (2008) and a visiting pre-doctoral researcher at the LSE. She has been Associate Professor at the University of Burgos (2001-2004) and Research Fellow at the Instituto Universitario Gutiérrez Mellado (UNED) (1999-2001).


Bermejo, R. (2010). Institutionalization process of cooperation in the operational management of external borders of the EU. Frontex´ creation. El proceso de institucionalización de la cooperación en la gestión operativa de fronteras externas de la UE. La creación de Frontex. CIDOB d´afers internacionals. 91. Pag. 29 – 62. Bermejo, R. (2012). Migration and borders policies. The management of immigration through agencies. Políticas migratorias y fronteras. La gestión de la inmigración mediante agencias. En Barrero, R. & Ferrer – Gallardo, X. (2012). Págs. 312 – 337. Bermejo, R. & Tamayo, M. (2016). Equality policies. Deontology, legal principles and equality. Las políticas de Igualdad. En Álvarez, E.  (2016). Deontología, principios jurídicos e igualdad. Págs. 417 – 434. Bermejo, R. (2009).  Race relations, cohesion and integration in Britain: Labour goverment´s guidelines for the XXI Century. Relaciones raciales, cohesión e integración en el Reino Unido. Las líneas directrices del gobierno laborista para el siglo XXI. Revista general de derecho público comparado. 5. Bermejo, R. (2008). Diversity accommodation policy in EU. Learning the language of the host country as a right and / or obligation. Las políticas de acomodación de la diversidad en Europa. El aprendizaje de la lengua del país de acogida como derecho y/o obligación. Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales. 12. Págs. 139 – 166. Bermejo, R. (2010). Racial relations, cohesion and integration in United Kingdom. The labor government guidelines for the 21st century. Relaciones raciales, cohesión e integración en el Reino Unido. Las líneas directrices del gobierno laborista para el siglo XXI. En Salazar, A. M., Álvarez, E. & López de los Mozos, A. (2010). Estudios sobre la integración de los inmigrantes. Págs. 137 – 160. Bermejo, R. (2006). Irregular immigration. Economic and social impact. Inmigración irregular. Incidencia económica y social. Revista del Instituto de Estudios de Policía. 78. Págs. 187 – 193. Bermejo, R. (2008). Immigration controls in Spain and the United Kingdom. Dynamics and national actors involved. The immigration process managers: networks and actors in Spain and Europe. Los controles a la inmigración en España y el Reino Unido. Dinámicas y actores nacionales implicados. En Barrero, R. & Pinyol, G. (2008). Los gestores del proceso de inmigración: actores y redes de actores en España y Europa. Págs. 23 – 43. Bermejo, R. & Reinares, F. (2007). International terrorism in spanish public opinion. Visiones del terrorismo internacional en la opinión pública española. Real Instituto Elcano. 32. Bermejo, R. & Reinares, F. (2007). Immigration control policies: a comparative analysis of the reforms in Kingdom of Great Britain and Spain. Políticas de control de la inmigración: un análisis comparado de las reformas en Gran Bretaña y España (1996 – 2005). Bermejo, R. (2007). The border control advances. Cooperation, information and technology. Avances en el control de fronteras. Cooperación, información y tecnología. Real Instituto Elcano. 18. Bermejo, R. (2004). Movimientos migratorios transfronterizos y seguridad de los países de acogida: una revisión de esta polémica relación. Transboundary migration movements and security of the host countries:a review of this controversial relationship. Revista de Ciencias Sociales del Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset. 4.


Pablo Acosta Gallo

Lecturer of Administrative Law at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the same university. Graduate in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1986) and Doctor in Law from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2001). Founding member of the Observatory of Good Governance.


He began his professional activity in multinational companies, for which he worked for 7 years, practised law for 10 years and is an expert in public law. He has carried out and directed research work in various areas, the most important of which are public safety, the environment in urban planning, public health and the responsibility of the State for the operation of public services. He has written several books and scientific articles, has developed teaching materials and has been in charge of the academic direction of several degrees related to public and private security and has also been Coordinator of the Degree in Criminology.


Acosta, P. (2016). El interés general como principio inspirador de las políticas públicas. Revista General de Derecho Administrativo. 41. Acosta, P. (2013). La nueva regulación de la tarjeta sanitaria individual y los problemas financieros de la sanidad pública. Revista CESCO de Derecho de Consumo. 8. Pp. 27 – 41. Acosta, P. (2012). Restricciones de gasto, gestión privada y copago en el servicio público de salud. Revista CESCO de Derecho de Consumo. 4. Pp. 80 – 86. Acosta, P. (2010). La evolución hacia una Administración europea de los asuntos de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia. Revista CIBOD d´afers internacionals. 91. Pp. 105 – 123. Acosta, P. (2007). Administración electrónica. ¿existe un derecho fundamental a la protección de datos personales?. Revista General de Derecho Administrativo. 15. Acosta, P. (2006). Las nuevas amenazas a la seguridad y el concepto de orden público en democracia. Revista General de Derecho Administrativo. 11. Gutiérrez, M.E. y Acosta, P. (2017). El derecho de la publicidad en el sector farmacéutico. Tratado de derecho farmacéutico: estudio del régimen jurídico de los medicamentos. Pp. 719 – 841. Acosta. P. (2015). La seguridad pública en el ámbito local. En García, F. Análisis de las repercusiones de la reforma local sobre la organización, competencias y servicios de las entidades locales. Pp. 299 – 320. Acosta, P. (2014). Derecho de la seguridad, responsabilidad policial y penitenciaria. Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública. Acosta, P. (2012). Materiales docentes de derecho administrativo. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Acosta, P. (2005). La responsabilidad del estado – juez: error judicial y funcionamiento anormal de la administración de justicia. Acosta, P. (2002). Salud, profesiones sanitarias y constitución española. Fundación MAPFRE.

Isabel Bazaga Fernández

Isabel Bazaga Fernández

University Lecturer (Interim). PhD in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid. Coordinator of the Degree in Political Science and Public Management. Director of the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management of Public Security. Researcher on the Good Governance Observatory team.


Degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She teaches on the Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Management (and double degrees), on the Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations (and double degrees) and on the Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology. She has specialised in institutional development, a field in which she has worked as a consultant and analyst in numerous international cooperation projects for different bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies. Recently, she has focused her activity on the analysis of security policies, with special attention to the analysis and prevention of violent radicalisation processes. She is currently participating as a researcher in the PRACTICIES (H2020) and COUNTERADHUB (Eurojust) projects. She is a permanent researcher at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (Fundación Ortega y Gasset-Marañón). Member of the scientific committee of CIFAL-UNITAR.


Bazaga, I. (2017) Artículo 18. Funciones de la Administración General del Estado. Comentarios a las Leyes del Tercer Sector de Acción Social y del Voluntariado. Volumen II (pp 369-380). Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, Madrid. Tamayo, M., Bazaga, I., y Carrillo, E. (2016). Opinión pública y derecho a la vivienda: la percepción ciudadana del rendimiento de la política de vivienda de los gobiernos autonómicos en España. Revista europea de derechos fundamentales. 28. Pp. 247 – 265. Bazaga, I. (2015). Opinión pública y política de vivienda: las actitudes de los españoles sobre la política de vivienda. Tamayo, M., Bazaga, I., y Carrillo, E. (2007). De la gestión de la organización a la gestión de los servicios públicos locales. Anuario de Derecho Municipal. 1. Pp. 141 – 160. Delgado, L., M., Bazaga, I., y Carrillo, E. (1997). La organización de las economías públicas locales: el caso de la comunidad valenciana. En Alba, C. y Vanaclocha, F.J. (1997). El sistema político local: un nuevo escenario de gobierno. Pp. 415 – 444. Bazaga, I. (1996). El planteamiento estratégico en el ámbito público. La nueva administración pública. Alianza editorial. Madrid.

Manuel Tamayo Sáez +34 91 488 78 87

Associate Professor of Political Science at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Researcher at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset since 1988. Degree in Sociology (UCM) and Diploma in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (ECPR). PhD from the Complutense University in 2002. Member of the Observatory of Good Governance.


She currently teaches on the double degree in International Relations and Political Science and Public Management, double degree in Political Science and Public Management and Economics, double degree in Political Science and Public Management and Journalism, double degree in Political Science and Public Management and Law, degree in Political Science and Public Management, degree in Criminology, degree in Equality and Gender and degree in Social Work. In addition, in the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management of Public Security (URJC-Ministry of the Interior), and in the Master’s Degree in Public Administration (Menéndez Pelayo University-IUIOG). Specialised in public administration, analysis and evaluation of public policies, welfare policies, urban policies and public opinion on public policies and services. He has participated and participates in different European projects funded by the European Commission and in national projects funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. He has been a consultant for different national and foreign institutions in projects related to governance and policy evaluation: Madrid City Council, Madrid Regional Government, Valencian Regional Government, Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Social Security and Social Services, Ministry of Housing and Public Infrastructures, Government of the Republic of Cuba, Government of the Dominican Republic, Government of the Republic of Colombia, etc.


Carrillo, E., Tamayo, M., y Nuño, L. (2013). La formación de la agenda pública. Análisis comparado de las demandas de hombres y mujeres hacia el sistema político en España. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. Bermejo, R. & Tamayo, M. (2016). Equality policies. Deontology, legal principles and equality. Las políticas de Igualdad. En Álvarez, E.  (2016). Deontología, principios jurídicos e igualdad. Págs. 417 – 434. Tamayo, M. (1997). El análisis de las políticas públicas. La nueva administración pública. En Beñón, R. y Carrillo, E. (1997). Págs. 281 – 312. Bermejo, R. & Tamayo, M. (2016). Equality policies. Deontology, legal principles and equality. Las políticas de Igualdad. En Álvarez, E.  (2016). Deontología, principios jurídicos e igualdad. Págs. 417 – 434. Tamayo, M. (1997). El análisis de las políticas públicas. La nueva administración pública. En Beñón, R. y Carrillo, E. (1997). Págs. 281 – 312. Carrillo, E. y Tamayo, M. (2011). El estudio de la opinión pública sobre la administración y las políticas públicas. Gestión y política. 17 (1). Pp. 193 – 215. Carrillo, E. y Tamayo, M. (2004). La agenda pública en España. Revista Internacional de Sociología. 62 (38). Pp. 61 – 99. Carrillo, E. y Tamayo, M. (2002). La gestión intergubernamental y la integración de los inmigrantes: algunas reflexiones a partir del caso de la Comunidad de Madrid. VII Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública. Bazaga, I. Carrillo E., Ramos, J.A., Sosa, J., y Tamayo, M. (1998). El consumo y la calidad de los servicios públicos. Madrid, Excmo. Ayto. de Coslada. Martínez, RB. y Tamayo, M. (1998) Las relaciones intergubernamentales en España: el nuevo papel de la administración central en el modelo relaciones intergubernamentales. El estado de las autonomías, ¿hacía un nuevo federalismo?. Pp. 105 – 159. Bañón, R. y Tamayo, M. (1997). The transformation of the central administration in Spanish intergovernmental relations. The journal of Federalism. 27(4). Pp. 85 – 114. Villoria, M., Ramos. J.A., y Tamayo, M. (2000). The modernization of the Spanish public administration: the role of bureaucracy. IPSA World Congress. Quebec. Carrillo, E. y Tamayo, M. (2000). Estudio del consumo familiar de bienes y servicios públicos a partir de la encuesta de presupuestos familiares. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.


José Manuel Sánchez Duarte 

Professor of Political Science at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD in Communication (URJC), PhD in Social Sciences (specialising in politics) (Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo) and Postgraduate in data analysis (CIS).


Professor of political communication and methods and techniques of quantitative and qualitative political research in the Degree of Science and Politics and Public Management of the URJC has participated and participates in different European projects funded by the European Commission and in national projects. As management experience he has held the position of Deputy Secretary General of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (2019-2021) and Communication Coordinator (Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. URJC. (2018-2019).

  • Magallón Rosa, R. y Sánchez-Duarte (2020) Aprendizajes de pandemia. Desinformación y COVID-19. Telos. Cuadernos de información y comunicación
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. y Magallón Rosa, R. (2020) Infodemia y COVID-19. Evolución de informaciones falsas en España. Revista Española de comunicación en Salud, nº Extra 1.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J.M. y Magallón Rosa, R. (2020) “De la diferencia de usos y prácticas a la convergencia. Partidos Políticos y movimientos sociales en la sociedad digital” en Castromil, A.;Humanes, María Luisa y Tojar, L. (Eds.) La Comunicación Política en la era de la mediatización. Comunicación social. Ediciones y publicaciones.
  • Fernández Romero, D. y Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. (2019) Alianzas y resistencias feministas en Facebook para la convocatoria del 8M en España. Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. nº 81.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. y Magallón Rosa, R. (2019) Desafíos en la publicación de encuestas electorales. La relación entre empresas demográficas y medios de comunicación. Signo y pensamiento, 37(73).
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M.; Calvo, D. (2018) “Partidos políticos y procesos congresuales en España. Una aproximación desde la observación participante y la comunicación política a los Congresos de PSOE y Podemos”, en Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública nº 5-2, 117-130. Disponible aquí
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. (2018) “Tendências, desafios e retrocessos da cidadania digital”, en De Almeida Santo, J. (Coord) Novas fronteiras de política na Era Digital. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. y Fernández Romero, D. (2017) “Subactivismo feminista y repertorios de acción colectiva digitales: prácticas ciberfeministas en Twitter”, en El profesional de la información. v. 26, n. 5, pp. 894-902. Disponible aquí
  • López García, G.; Calvo, D. & Sánchez Duarte, J. M. (2017) “Partidos políticos y procesos congresuales. Una aproximación desde la observación participante a la II asamblea de PODEMOS”. Presentada en el XXIII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española Periodística Mediamorfosis, Elche, 9-10 Junio 2017.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. (2016) “La red como espacio para la militancia política. Tecnología y participación en campaña electoral”, en Revista Comunicación y Sociedad. 29(3), pp. 33-47.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. (2016) “Estrategias de organización y acción política digital”, en Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigadores en Comunicación. 3(5), pp. 9-16.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. (2016) “Ciberactivismo y cibervoluntarios: captación y organización de la militancia en red en los partidos políticos”, en Manual de consultoría política. Ed. Centro internacional de gobierno y marketing político.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J. M. (2015) “Participación digital en los partidos políticos. Autonomía y prácticas de militancia en red”, en: Dígitos. Revista de Comunicación Digital, 1, pp. 59-70.
  • Sánchez-Duarte, J.M; Bolaños, M. V.; Magallón, R. y Anderica, V. (2015) “El papel de las tecnologías cívicas en la reconfiguración de la esfera pública”, en Revista Historia y Comunicación Social . Nº 20(2). Volumen: 20 (2) pp. 483-498.

Paloma Bernal Turnes

European PhD in Business Economics (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, University of Nice and University of Rome), she is a lecturer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Expert in Research Methodologies (Technical University of Madrid) and Quantitative Research (UNED) specialising in international trade, competitiveness, corruption and good governance. Researcher of the Observatory of Good Governance.


Professor of the Bilingual Marketing Degree and the Marketing Degree of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in International Trade. Visiting professor and researcher at Georgetown University (2014-present), George Washington University (2016-2018), World Bank (2018-present) and the Inter-American Development Bank advising the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in Costa Rica on the International Trade strategy of that country (2020-present). Involved in research projects on corruption and cooperation, she has worked as International Trade and Investment Advisor at the Spanish Embassy in Hungary, Dell (Ireland), IBM (Spain), CajaMadrid (Spain) and Molino (Argentina) and as Development Project Manager at Inypsa (Spain). Involved in research she has published: 10 articles, 10 books, 39 book chapters, 3 posters, 26 times as keynote speaker and at 51 international conferences and won 28 awards and grants. Among the major milestones in her career, she has published the highest impact article in Social Sciences in Web of Science (JCR=16.375) and with the highest number of citations in 2017 in Web of Science (Aguinis et al., 2017).

  • The Influence on Academic Performance of Working Group Methodology. Higher Education Research, 3(2): 23-31. Jimenez Barandalla, I. C., Montes Botella, J. L., Bernal-Turnes, P. June 2018.
  • Most Frequently Cited Sources and Authors in Industrial-Organizational Psychology Textbooks: Implications for the Science-Practice Divide, Scholarly Impact, and Future of the Field. Aguinis, H.; Ramini, R.; Campbell,P. K.; Bernal, P., Drewry, J. M. & Edgerton. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 10(4): 507-557. December 2017.
  • The Use of Longitudinal Mediation Models for Testing Causal Effects and Measuring Direct and Indirect Effects. Bernal Turnes, P.; Ernst, R. China-USA Business Review, 15(1): 1-13. March 2016.
  • Strategies to Measure Direct and Indirect Effects in Multi-mediator Models. Bernal-Turnes, P., Ernst, R. China- USA Business Review, 14(10): 504-514. October 2015.
  • A Framework for Transparency in International Trade. Bernal-Turnes, P.; Ernst, R. IEDEE, 48(1): 1-8. Jan. 2015.
  • 5) Motivational Job Attributes in Spain: Implications for Organizational Hires. Monahan, M.; Shah, A. and Bernal-Turnes, P. International Journal of Effective Management, 11(1): 12-21. January 2015
  • 4) Multilevel and Multidimensional Scale for Online Trust. López Miguens, M. J.; González Vázquez, E. and Bernal-Turnes, P. Revista de Administración de Empresas, 53 (4). March 2014.
  • 3) A Comprehensive Audit of Corporate Social Responsibility. Mann, C. J.; Bernal-Turnes, P. Chinese BusinessReview. 13(3): 1-12. March 2014.
  • 2) The Internet Habits of University Students in Spain and the USA. Monahan, Monahan, M.; Shah, A. and Bernal-Turnes, P. International Business and Cultural Studies (7):1- 17. September 2010.
    The International Viniculture Market: A Comparative Study. Bernal-Turnes, P. and Mercado Idoeta, C. Journal 1 of International Business Disciplines. June 2008.
Javier Lorente Fontaneda

Javier Lorente Fontaneda 

Assistant Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, in the Department of Public Law I and Political Science. He is a lecturer on the URJC’s Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, as well as on the double degrees in Law, History, Economics and International Relations. He has previously worked as a lecturer and researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid and at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He has been a visiting pre-doctoral researcher at the European University Institute in Fiesole, Florence (Italy).


PhD. from the Autonomous University of Madrid, his research has focused on subjects related to political and electoral behaviour. He has worked on topics such as the political ideology of young people, the political culture of Spaniards and its impact on their political preferences, and their levels of political participation in contexts of crisis. He has participated in several R+D+i research projects funded by the Ministry of Research, as well as in other competitive projects funded by the National Centre of Sociological Research and Casa Velazquez.


Libros (monografías)

Lorente, Javier (2019) La división izquierda-derecha en los últimos 30 años en Europa: generaciones y voto. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Colección Monografías nº 314. 

Artículos de revistas.

García-Albacete, Gema y Lorente, Javier (2019) “The post-austerity generation: political attitudes and behaviours, with Gema García-Albacete” Revista Internacional de Sociología. [JCR impact factor 0.579, Q4].

Lorente, Javier Y Sánchez-Vítores, Irene (2018) “Disaffection at the ballot boxes: the 2015 General Election in Spain” Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 161. [JCR impact factor 0.731, Q3]

Paradés, Marta; Sánchez-Vítores, Irene y Lorente, Javier (2015) “Young people and unemployment: the last chink in the EU’s armor?” in Open Citizenship.

Lorente Fontaneda, Javier y Parejo Llanos, José Luis (2012) “From student associations to CEUNE: the development of student representation in Spain” in European Journal of Higher Education. 

Lorente  Fontaneda,  Javier  y  Martín  Cortés,  Irene  (2012)  “Models  of  Student  Representation  and Participation: The Case of Spanish Universities”, in Journal of the World Universities Forum 5.

Capítulos de libro

Lorente, Javier y Soler i Martí, Roger (2019) “Actituds polítiques de la joventut. Implicacions, crítiques i posicionaments” in Joventut, implicació i context polític a Catalunya. Una anàlisi de l’Enquesta de participació i política 2017. Barcelona: Observatori de la Juventut.

Lorente, Javier (2018) “Spain: No Country for Direct Democracy?” in Blockmans, S. y Russack, S. (eds.) Direct Democracy in the EU: the Myth of a Citizens’ Union. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.

Martín, Irene, and Lorente, Javier (2018) “La elección de los Rectores de la UAM” in Haciendo futuro. 50 años de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1968-2018) VOL 1. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Lorente, Javier; García-Albacete, Gema, and Martín, Irene (2018) “¿Protesta en las urnas? El voto de los jóvenes españoles en las Elecciones Europeas (2009-2014)” in Torcal, M. (ed.) Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España. Claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS).

García-Albacete, Gema; Lorente, Javier, y Martín, Irene (2016) “How does the Spanish ‘crisis generation’ relate to politics?” in Thijssen, P., Siongers, J., Van Laer, J. H. y Mels, S. (Eds.) Political Engagement of the Young in Europe, Youth in the Crucible. London: Routledge.

Martín Cortés, Irene and Lorente, Javier (2012) “Representación y participación de los estudiantes en la Universidad. Cómo potenciar la participación en las elecciones universitarias” in De la Herrán Gascón, Agustín y Paredes Labra, Joaquín (eds.) ¿Cómo promover el cambio pedagógico en la Universidad? Madrid: Pirámide (Grupo Anaya).

Javier Lorente Fontaneda

Irene Sánchez Vítores

Assistant Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in the Department of Public Law and Political Science. Previously, she has worked as a lecturer and researcher at the University Carlos III between January 2020 and June 2021, the last semester under a Juan de la Cierva-Formación contract. In addition, she has worked as a research assistant at the Autonomous University of Madrid in the COST Action International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network (Ethmigsurvey) and the Horizon 2020 project Revisiting the Past, Anticipating the Future (RePast). PhD. from the European University Institute in Florence in June 2019, her research has focused on issues related to political behaviour and gender inequalities. She has worked on topics such as men and women’s interest in politics, the political culture of Spaniards and its impact on their political preferences and the construction of political conflict in Spain. She has participated in the GENPOL II research project ( directed by Professor Gema García-Albacete.


Journal articles.
Fraile, Marta y Sánchez-Vítores, Irene (2019) “Tracing the gender gap in political interest over the life span: a panel analysis” Political Psychology, 41(1), 1-18.

Sánchez-Vítores, Irene (2018) “Different governments, different interests: the gender gap in political interest” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 26(3), 348–369,

Lorente, Javier Y Sánchez-Vítores, Irene (2018) “Disaffection at the ballot boxes: the 2015 General Election in Spain” Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 161. [JCR impact factor 0.731, Q3]

Paradés, Marta; Sánchez-Vítores, Irene y Lorente, Javier (2015) “Young people and unemployment: the last chink in the EU’s armor?” in Open Citizenship.

Sánchez Vítores, Irene (2014) “La política europea, ¿un nuevo issue nacional?” Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 30, 201-219.

Book chapters
Vidal, Guillem y Sánchez-Vítores (2019) “Out with the Old: The Transformation of Spanish Politics in the Great Recession” in European Party Politics in Times of Crises. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sara Carrasco Granger

Sara Carrasco Granger

PhD. Student at Political Science Department of the URJC. Graduate in Policy Studies from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA. Master in International Migration from the University of Valencia and Master in Public Policy and Ethics for Democratisation and Development, IEPALA, Complutense University of Madrid. She also holds a Diploma in Mental Health in Situations of Political Violence and Catastrophes from the Complutense University of Madrid. She currently collaborates with the Platform for International Cooperation of Undocumented Migrants (PICUM). Expert in migration and human rights.


Her training and experience include the use of quantitative and qualitative research methods, interviewing and database creation, management and analysis, including specifically the analysis of media discourses around migration as an old phenomenon that presents new challenges in the era of globalisation and transnationalism. She has worked on different research projects related to advocacy for an International Refugee Visa in collaboration with the International Bar Association in Paris, France, 2019; intervention with unaccompanied foreign minors in Lille, France, under the supervision of Emmanuel Jovelin, Professor of Social Work at the Université Catholique de Lille, France, 2019; or community participation and access to housing rights under the supervision of John Burdick, Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University, NY, USA, 2010.


Refugiados climáticos, ¿una herramienta para la justicia global? Periódico El Salto, 3 de Enero, 2020; Antoinette Torres: “El enfoque decolonial en el feminismo es una cuestión de primera orden”, Periódico El Salto, 26 de Noviembre, 2011. Los Palestinos, entre la ocupación y una nueva intifada, Periódico Diagonal, 20 de octubre, 2015. The Right to the City: Shaping the City that Makes Us, Revista Amauta, 2010.

Sara Carrasco Granger

Luis Ramos Rodríguez

FPU 2021 PhD Candidate at the University Rey Juan Carlos. Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Political Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid. Graduate in Political Science and Public Management and in Economics from the Universiy Rey Juan Carlos. Diploma in Data Analysis Techniques and Big Data at URJCx. In the private sphere he has worked as a consultant in regulatory processes, public advocacy and political communication.


PhD student at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. His research focuses on the frameworks of the fight against corruption and democratic regeneration in the discourses of political parties, making a historical review of the main cases of corruption in Spain and analysing the differences in the public perception. He has been a Collaboration Grant Holder of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, for research in University Departments, in particular, in the Department of Applied Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked on issues such as charismatic leadership, the construction of political leaders, hyperleadership and framing.


Jorge Tamayo Ortiz

Fifth year student of the double degree in History and Political Science and Public Administration. He is currently working on his final thesis on the circumstances of refugees from the war in Ukraine in Poland. He has worked with the organisation Tratwa ( in Wroclaw, Lower Silesia, Poland.


Javier Lorente Fontaneda

José Luis Postigo Sierra

Agricultural Engineer from the Technic University of Madrid. He is currently certified as a Project Manager by the International Project Management Association (IPMA). He has worked as an associate professor in the Department of Public Law and Political Science at the URJC, combining it with the administration of the company INTUMA SL, of which he has been an administrator for over 20 years, working on various projects both nationally and internationally. He holds a Master’s degree in Intelligence Analyst from the URJC and a Specialist in Management and Promotion of NGOs from the University Institute of Development and Cooperation of the UCM. She has collaborated with the Centre for Innovation in Technology for Development-itdUPM, in projects funded by AECID and FAO. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the NGO ONGAWA, where she has collaborated in various development cooperation projects, and of the Governing Board of the Spanish NGO Coordinating Committee.

  • FAO and UPM. 2021. Methodology for monitoring and evaluation of good practices in agriculture for climate change adaptation and integrated disaster risk management. Panama. ISBN: 978-92-5-134343-2. (Various authors: Diaz-Ambrona, C.,Ruiz-Ramos, M.,Rodriguez, L., Urquijo, J., Puigdueta, I., Postigo, J.L., Sanchez, E., Juarez, L., Moreno, J., Minelli, M., Llauger, R.E., Lopez, D., Vanni, B)
    Díaz-Ambrona, C.,Ruiz-Ramos, M.,Rodríguez, L., Urquijo, J., Puigdueta, I., Postigo, J.L., Sánchez, E., Juárez, L., Moreno, J., Minelli, M., Llauger, R.E., López, D., Vanni, B. 2021. Analysis of good practices in agriculture. Sistemas productivos familiares del Corredor Seco Centroamericano. Panama City, FAO and UPM. ISBN 978-92-5-134290-9

  • González de Miguel, César and Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, Carlos Gregorio and Postigo Sierra, José Luis (2009) Evaluación de la sostenibilidad agraria. El caso de La Concordia (Nicaragua). Ingeniería Sin Fronteras. Asociación para el Desarrollo, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 978 84 613 3471

  • Postigo, J.L. (2009) Energy. Not at the cost of food. In La lucha contra el hambre: entre la crisis alimentaria y la crisis energética. Manos Unidas. Fact sheets nº 21. Pages 37- 48. Madrid. Spain.

  • Herreras, Y; Lumbreras, J; Postigo, J.L; Sánchez, E. (2007). Certification for the production, distribution and marketing of biofuels. In “Agrofuels, part of the problem or part of the solution? Right to Food Campaign. Urgent. Pages 37-49. Madrid. Spain

  • Herreras, Y; Lumbreras, J; Postigo J.L; Sánchez, E. (2007). Biodiesel production. Applications to developing countries. Engineering Without Borders. Asociación para el Desarrollo and GOCMA-UPM. Madrid, Spain. ISBN 978-84-690-8468-7

  • Pons, G; Postigo, J.L.; Ruiz-Ramos, M. (2004) Cuadernos internacionales de tecnología para el desarrollo humano. N.º 4 Desarrollo agropecuarios. Ingeniería Sin Fronteras. Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 1697-820X


Roraima Estaba Amaiz

Roraima Estaba Amaiz

PhD. In Contemporary History at the Complutense University of Madrid. Degree in Political Science from the Central University of Venezuela. She has been a UNICEF development worker, working for the rights of indigenous, Afro-descendant and migrant children in Central America. Her interests and social research topics are related to the rights of ethnic groups, citizenship and migration.


Master’s Degree in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis. Centro de Investigaciones. Sociológicas (CIS), Spain. Postgraduate Studies in Contemporary Latin America: The Challenges of Political and Social Integration (DEA Doctoral Programme Training). UCM – Ortega y Gasset Institute. Master’s Degree in Political Science. Simón Bolívar University (USB), Venezuela. Master in Decentralised International Cooperation. University of the Basque Country, Spain.

Researcher collaborating with different research groups: Comparative Studies of the Caribbean and Atlantic World (Instituto de Historia CSIC, Spain), Iberconceptos (Spain), AMERIBER (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France) and Memory and History in the Contemporary World (UNED, Spain). Recently, he collaborates in the following research projects: “El orden y sus retos en el Circuncaribe hispánico, 1791-1960”, IH-CSIC project funded by MINECO (RTI2018-094305-B-100) and the International Project “Connected Worlds”, IH-CSIC funded by the EU.


Estaba Amaiz, R. (2019), “Entre pardo y mestizo: ambigüedad socio-étnica, conflicto y negociación en la incorporación de los libres de color mezclado en el Caribe continental tardocolonial (Costa Rica, Panamá, Cartagena de Indias y Venezuela)”, en Lacaze, Catherine; Soto- Quiros, Ronald; y Viales-Hurtado, Ronny ed., Historia de las desigualdades étnico-raciales en México, Centroamérica y el Caribe (siglos XVIII-XXI), San José de Costa Rica: CIHACUCR/ AMERIBER Université Bordeaux Montaigne, pp. 33-52.

Estaba Amaiz, R. (2018), “La voz Nación y sus significados. Aproximaciones políticas y territoriales en la independencia venezolana (1790-1821) (1790-1821)”, en Bastos, Lúcia; Sá, Fátima; Ferreira, Melo; Pereira, Guilherme ed., Linguagens da Identidade e da Diferença no Mundo Ibero-americano (1750-1890), Rio Janeiro: Paco Editorial, pp. 229-248.

Estaba Amaiz, R. (2017), “¡Con la Ley y con las armas!: Libertad y estrategias de los esclavos negros y los libres de color en el Circuncaribe colonial tardío (1789-1819)”, en Naranjo Orovio, Consuelo ed., Esclavitud y diferencia racial en el Caribe hispano, Madrid: Ediciones Doce Calles, pp. 223-242.

Estaba Amaiz, R. (2015), “Reseña del libro Ann Twinam, Purchasing Whiteness. Pardos, Mulattos, and the Quest for Social Mobility in the Spanish Indies, Redwood City, Stanford University Press, 2015, 534 págs”, Historia y Política, 34, pp. 385-421.

Diego Castellanos Rodríguez

Diego Castellanos Rodríguez

Graduate in Political Science and Sociology from the Carlos III University. Master’s Degree in Applied Sociology: Social Problems from the Complutense University of Madrid. Research areas: identity, culture, vulnerability, evaluation of public policies and administration.

Alejandro Ciordia Morandeira

Alejandro Ciordia Morandeira 

PhD. in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento (Italy) in 2020 (with mention of European Doctorate). He previously obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Contemporary Arab and Islamic Studies, both from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM).


PhD in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento (Italy). Degree in Law and Political Science and Master’s Degree in Contemporary Arab and Islamic Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). He has also been a visiting researcher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Interested in comparative politics, historical sociology and social science methodology, his main substantive research interests focus on social capital and organised civil society, social movements, protest repertoires, political violence and radicalisation. His research combines the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, having gained considerable experience in social network analysis (SNA) and in the compilation and analysis of organisational and journalistic texts.


Ciordia, A. (2021) “Less divided after ETA? The evolution of ideological cleavages in the Basque environmental field between 2007 and 2017″, Mobilization: An International Quarterly (en prensa)

Ciordia, A. (2020). “La evolución de la acción colectiva ecologista en Euskal Herria de 1988 a 2017”, en A. Álvarez-Benavides, F. Fernández-Trujillo Moares, A. Sribman Mittelman, and A. E. Castillo Patton (eds.) Acción colectiva, movilización y resistencias en el siglo XXI. Vol. 2: Genealogías, pp. 69-89. Abadiño, Bizkaia: Betiko.

Ciordia, A. (2018) “The Effects of Kobane in the Reconfiguration of the Popular Geopolitical Codes of Turkey’s Kurdish Movement”, Turkish Studies, 19 (5), pp. 773-98.

Vezzoni, C. & Ciordia, A. (2018). “Basketball: a world in a word – Come lo sport può divenire un mezzo di integrazione”, en M. Ambrosini, P. Boccagni, & S. Piovesan (eds.) L’immigrazione in Trentino: Rapporto annuale 2017, pp. 179-202. Trento: Cinformi.

Ciordia, A. & Manchón, A. (2016). “El creciente papel de las mujeres en los gobiernos locales del sudeste de Turquía y su influencia en el debate sobre paridad a nivel nacional”, Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM), 20, pp. 97-126.

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